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beautiful finca with water and fruit trees outside malacatos!

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Property Description


This is a special opportunity.


Offering an 11.5 Hectare (28 Acre) farm located in the town of Chiquil (25 minutes west of Malacatos), with all the amenities for a stunning $35K! 


Boasting an internal road, a wide array of mature fruit trees and spectacular valley views – this property is ready for anything you can imagine.


Current cultivation include; Bananas, Plantains, Avocados, Lemons, Oranges, Tangerines, Papaya, Sugar Cane, Mango, Coffee, Babaco, Chitimoya, Guanabana, cocoanut and Passion Fruit.


The farm is accessible by a well-maintained gravel road that connects to an already built internal one.  The internal road offers access to multiple home sites taking advantage of the spectacular views.


There is also a small 2-bedroom adobe house that would make a great caretakers quarters or a temporary structure while you build your home.


The property has electricity and connections to Internet are close by.  The main water source is piped in from a pristine mountain spring located 1.5 miles away.


Google Maps Link:

Elevation of the property:   5180ft (1579m)

Distance to the closest town: 50 minutes in car

Distance to the  Airport: 1 hour and 40 minutes in car

Temperature:  25º C (70º F)


real estate in ecuador, property cuenca ecuador, property loja ecuador, property quito ecuador, property guayaquil ecuador, land cuenca ecuador, land quito ecuador, land guayaquil ecuador, land loja ecuador, property vilcabamba, apartment loja

explore the area


Although located just 35 minutes from Loja, the first thing you will notice upon your descent into Malacatos Valley is the change in temperature.  Green, lush landscapes, affordable prices, and an average daily high of 77° F (25° C) make it the preferred second home and vacation destination of Loja. Read More >

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